
The Itch

                                          Get me outta here. I've got the itch to go camping!
Seriously. Make it look like a kidnapping and swoop down and come pick me up and take me up to my favorite spot on Mount Adams already. Memorial Day Weekend seems to mark the start of summer and for years we used to go up to Sasquatch and then make a little road trip out of it...camping our way back home with friends. Ah, the good old days.

I miss being out in the sunny shady sort of patches you only experience under the canopy of trees.

I miss the smell of warm pinecones and tea on a brisk morning.

I miss our little home away from home in the forest where the only sound comes from nature...and by the last day...when we are ready to come home, we are so used to that quiet that the sound of a nearby bee can wake us up. Only a month left before the snow melts enough!

Until then, I can still drink tea on brisk mornings and dream of my summer filled with dusty trails and scented pinecone bliss.

Have a safe holiday weekend, folks!


Kenton Street Fair

Yay! It's Kenton Street Fair time!

I don't normally do street fairs...but when I do...It's the Kenton Street Fair!
This little area of Portland is where it all started for Kenton Beadworks. I was so inspired by the history here and how it's an up-and-coming neighborhood.

When I drove down Denver Avenue for the first time, it felt like I had found this secret old town- like a hidden gem in Portland. At the end of Denver Ave. stands a giant version of Paul Bunyan that was actually made across the street from where he stands today.

You should come on down and see him for yourself and be sure to come say hi!. I will be in between N. Schofield and N. Kilpatrick on the west side of Denver Ave. Look for the blue canopy.

See you there!

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Grand Opening Party at XCVI!

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                                                                                  photo courtesy of: XCVI Pop Up Shop

Opening day for XCVI's newest pop up shop in Santa Monica Place was last week!

We've just stocked them with some colorful semiprecious pieces as well as some gorgeous and delicate metal based necklaces that are perfect for your new summer wardrobe.  

If you haven't already been by, come check out the goods in person at their grand opening party on Thursday the 16th! Be sure to check out their Facebook page for more details.


A Mother's Day Getaway

Every Mother's Day Weekend, my mom, sister and I go to the coast to unwind and do silly "girl" stuff like drink champagne and eat strawberries all day. 

We also baked chocolate filled croissants...

And went for a drive, stopping to smell the flowers.

How did you celebrate all that is Mom and your Mother's Day Weekend?


Hazel Thumb

Oh yeah. Spring has sprung here in Portland! I have spent the better part of last week in the backyard and I feel so accomplished.

Flowers were staged and planted, weeds pulled, soil supplements were applied and tons of bark dust was spread.

The photos shown serve as my evidence that I have graduated to hazel thumb status from my previous brown thumb ranking.

I'm typing this from the back patio and there isn't a cloud in the sky, and with the temperatures in the upper 70's paired with a gentle breeze...this has been an epic week in my little corner of Portland.

I hope you also had a little sunshine in some form or fashion on this lovely weekend.



This guy.

Our Pug Johnny sure has made for some fun photos this past week. He's tuckered out in most photos from supervising me tending to our backyard.

He takes his job very seriously.

Enjoy that sun!