It's been in the 20's here in Portland with no snow. Le Brrrrr.
In other news, I am done with all of my Kenton Beadwork trunk shows for the year! Woot!
This last Saturday was the perfect finish; champagne, more champagne and good vibes. Kristenlee of Studio Thirty put on a great show in her NE Portland Salon. I met the nicest people and most notably, Nicole Linde, Who just happens to be one of my favorite Portland Artists. Did I mention the Champagne? It was great.
Midway through the show we received word that Anthony Keidis was across the street. We all were kind of secretly hoping he and his date would stop by and peruse, but no dice.
Afterwards we ended up at Fat's. If you haven't been there or heard of it, I'm right there with ya. I thought it was brand new, however it's a hidden gem. Maybe an oasis...of english goodies. You must check it out.
Everything from the food, service and booze was top notch.
And I have to share, I scored this AMAZING original piece from Nicole Linde:
It's a Christmas gift...but I'm really excited about it.
Here's to a fantastic week-Cheers!