
I'm still here

Related Posts with ThumbnailsSorry I haven’t been writing much at all lately. This last holiday season my Dad had a terrible stroke 12 days before Christmas and everything has been put on hold for a bit.

For those of you who don’t know the man that my Husband and I lovingly refer to as 'Jorge', let me paint a picture for you: 70 year old dude, and by dude, I mean in the Big Lebowski ‘Dude’ meets Willie Nelson meets Popeye type of guy. He's a hard worker and provided for our family by working as an Iron Worker in various western states and could draw and/or paint like nobody’s business. In a nutshell, that is Jorge.

Dad was in a skilled nursing facility (I refuse to call it a nursing home, because Dad wouldn’t like me telling people that is where he is.) for a few months and has been making great physical progress. Every time I see him, he looks better than the last time we visited. He now has a right arm that doesn't work as great as it once did and can't say more than a few select words. Mostly curse words. Oh, that Jorge...I tell you what.

He's happily situated in a sunny room with his computer, TV and his spiffy new wheelchair.

If you want to know more, I’m happy to oblige to share, just drop me an email or comment here.

With that said, hugs for everyone!